My blog posts
"Nothing comes from nothing – nothing ever could.
But somewhere in my youth or childhood I must have done something good."
Yes, all my fellow The Sound of Music fans know where these words come from, but let's clarify for the rest of you that these lines are from a...
What you are about to read is an essay I wrote to complete an optional course at the University of Helsinki. Once again, I chose Maria Callas as my topic, because reflecting on her elegance is simply one of my favorite things to do in life!
I started my studies in musicology in 2020 and...
Seuraavassa on essee, jonka kirjoitin suorittaakseni valinnaisen opintojakson Helsingin yliopiston musiikintutkimuksen opinnoissani. Valitsin aiheekseni jälleen kerran Maria Callasin, koska hänen eleganssinsa pohtiminen on kerta kaikkiaan yksi lempipuuhistani!
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I must admit I’m facing a conundrum of sorts at the moment with my ears. We often talk about taste when it comes to music, even though we don't refer to our physical tastebuds, but to the sort of music that each of us feels is 'music to our ears' (pun intended). As you well know, I...
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This week I've been pondering over the importance of having some sort of a craft or a skill in life that we enjoy developing. We may have many sorts of different roles to fill in life, but besides the feeling of purpose they bring us, most of us want to also develop at least one main...
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I must confess that I think I'm falling in love with Maria Callas again. Well, I guess "falling in love" is a bit too strong an expression, but let's say that I'm fascinated by her charm, charisma, magnetism and sincere devotion to her art. The mix of all of these features of her public...
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Like promised last week, I'll share a couple of fun snippets of my findings from Maria Callas' letters and memoirs this week. It has definitely been interesting to discover Callas' thoughts in different eras of her life, and I think she has a very fun and beautiful way of expressing...
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What would you think it feels like to be in Maria Callas' shoes? I'm beginning to get some sort of an idea of it now that I'm re-reading her letters and memoirs in French (Tom Volf 2019: Maria Callas, Lettres & mémoires). I read most of the 598-paged book last year, but now I...
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This week I’m reporting from an exhibition called Vestologie that is on display under the beautiful 19th century dome of the Printemps department store on the Boulevard Haussmann. 'Vestologie' refers to the French word "veste" that I now understand is a sort of an umbrella term for...
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