The Key to Success in Fashion and in Life✅
Aug 16, 2024Salut !
Lately I’ve been especially inspired by the fashion designer Carolina Herrera’s message of style and elegance. I rewatched a few of her interviews and I realized once again how brilliantly she crafted her career in fashion while having a relatively normal family life outside of fashion. She seems to have the keys to success in fashion and in life, and that makes her very interesting to observe. I'd say that what stuck with me the most from her interviews is the power of positivity.
I appreciate it so much that she just seems to be a very joyful person overall, judging by for example how she's joking and laughing in the interviews. I find it very energizing to watch her, because it makes me identify with such a positive and stylish outlook on life.
Secondly, I love that she is very passionate about her work, but not too serious about it either. In other words, she approaches her work with sincerity, but not seriousness. This is an idea that I’ve been thinking about quite a lot lately after reading Ali Abdaal’s book Feel-Good Productivity : How to Do More of What Matters to You that I mentioned last week. When comparing some of the ideas of positive psychology that the book explores with what Herrera talks about in her interviews, I've noticed that she embodies so many of the mindsets introduced in the book and thus, she is a great example of the power of being positive, authentic and sincere.
For example, concerning the idea of a sincere approach to work, Herrera often says that she has a passion for fashion and that she loves her work, but if anyone starts to freak out backstage because of the stress or the pressure of putting together a fashion show, she quips something along the lines of "What are you so nervous about? We're only making dresses!".
Furthermore, I like that she often accentuates the importance of doing good teamwork in a fashion house, the importance of being comfortable with being alone and having activities to do on your own, and why you must also have a meaningful life outside of fashion and office hours to live a balanced life.
All of this contributes to a seemingly winning mindset for her as her company is one of the most successful fashion brands in the global women's market. I'd go so far as to say that her career is a testament to the fact that those who smile a lot, who make their work fun and who energize others with their authentic positivity, do well in life. As Ali Abdaal shows in his book, this phenomenon has been proven by many studies as well, but it's always interesting to observe how people like Herrera apply this in practice.
In result of these observations I've started to try to adopt this kind of thinking even more intentionally than before. I've begun to realize how much it affects our experience of life whether we tend to look more at the bright side of things or not. Even small changes in our mindset towards positivity and gratitude – no matter what the challenges we face – make a huge difference.
Even though our natural inclination to positivity depends probably on our genetics and how our life experiences have molded us, I like to think of positivity as a sort of a skill that's possible to develop. It is definitely worth it to at least try to change the neural pathways of our thinking and behavior in order to strengthen the ones that makes us look at life through a more positive lens. This often leads to feeling more grateful for everything we have in life, possibly smiling and laughing a bit more, and then we can be sure to attract even more positive things in our lives and succeed in any small or big way we think is important.
Here are a couple of the interviews of Carolina Herrera that I find ever so inspiring in so many ways, but this time from the point of view of positivity. Of course it's not entirely valid to judge a person's personality by some interviews they've given, but if you take a look at them, I think you'll notice that she has a positive vibe. ;)
- The Conversation | Carolina Herrera New York
- Carolina Herrera Interview: Pursuing elegance | The New York Times
- Carolina by Carolina
- Carolina Herrera & Leandra Medine: The Chatroom
Have a stylish week!
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