New Beginnings in Paris🔑

life in paris Jan 01, 2024
Me at the entrée of Palais Galliera


Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

My first week in Paris has come to an end, and all I can say is that I already feel at home in this city.🥳 My friends picked me up from the airport on Monday and drove me to my new apartment. Until my parents arrived with my stuff, I got to know the neighborhood a little and just relaxed.

Tuesday and Wednesday we moved in the stuff and decorated the apartment. After that we've been having the time of our lives and walked around the different quarters of Rive Gauche. It has kind of felt like any other holiday in a big city, except for the fact that we have an actual home base, and that we don't have to be in such a hurry to go and see everything at once. For now it's been wonderful for me to just take it easy and ease in to my new routines here before the academic year starts.

It has felt surreal some days when it’s been quite warm even though it’s December. Especially in the beginning of the week the weather was quite warm and humid, but every day the weather has gotten a bit colder. There aren't any leaves in the trees at this time of the year, but still the city looks so beautiful. So far I've met only one neighbor from my building, a friendly Parisian older lady, and she said something funny to me. We were waiting for the elevator during the move and then she looked at my big winter boots that were in my bag, and said that I won't need that kind of shoes here, because it's not as cold as in Finland. I'm sure she's right!😅 Anyways, I hope I'll meet more Parisian ladies like her soon, and in general, have more spontaneous conversations like this with Parisian people.

We'll see what next week is like! At least, I look forward to doing more people watching and exploring the city.🔎

Have an elegant week!



❣️Recent delights

  • My parents and I started to watch the season 6 of The Crown on Netflix, and it's so interesting, but obviously tragic because of the event of Diana's death. Coincidentally, while we were walking in the monumental centre of Paris on New Year's Eve, we suddenly realized we were standing on the Pont de l'Alma tunnel, where Diana died.🫢 I had no idea beforehand where the tunnel is, so it was so bizarre to suddenly be in the place where it all happened. There were a few photos of Diana and some flowers that people had left on the Place Diana. She truly was special and, inarguably, her impact on people was, and is, enormous.

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